Cathy at Cathy's Quilts has tagged me. The rules are go to your 4th folder of pictures and pick the 4th picture, then write about it. So here goes! A couple years ago, I wanted to do a round robin, so I talked 4 friends into doing it with me.
We did a block round robin with rules as to how many and how big the blocks would be. You could make any blocks you wanted for the others as long as you followed those rules.

This is each of us with our blocks....ignore the stack~n~whack blocks, please. They are not part of this story. These pix were taken in the classroom I use for quilt classes and there are always lots of quilty things in there.

Everyone used their own colors and when you had someone's quilt, you used some of their fabrics and some of your own too.

We had so much fun and still get together to chat and stitch.
The picture above is the one I was to write about, but I thought I needed the rest of the pictures to tell the story right.
After we oohed and ahhed over our blocks and talked about how we would put them together, I gave each of them this Ocean Song panel and challenged them to do something creative with it. That could be another story!
I am now suppose to tag 4 people and this is who I choose:
Heather at Needles and Pens
Carol at Cornfield Quilter
Kathy at Kathy's Quilts
Judi at Judi's Crazy World
It was hard to pick just 4 as there are so many good reads out there.
Jean all the class pictures look so nice.
It is so fun to see others pictures and read what it was about. Nice way to get to know others.
You look like you all had a lot of fun. Are there any pics of the finished quilts?
Thanks for the tag, Jean. Gave me something to post about today. I had to cheat just a little bit to avoid blog redundancy, but it was, really, just a little bit. lol
Fantastic pictures, by the way. I can just imagine you there, teaching away. I think you may have the most fun job(s) in the world. Lucky!
Which one on the photos is you? ;)
greetings from a curious quilter from Holland.
Jean Thanks for the tag. That's a differnt idea for a tag and I will have to dig into my pictures and see what I find in the 4th folder the 4th picture. hmmm interesting
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