It's been a busy month of classes...I've been working with beginners as well as starting 3 new Sampler/Fun Clubs last week. The 2nd Tuesday Fun Club is working on a Log Cabin quilt using the Eleanor Quilt in a Day book and method. They worked on getting their First Light and First Dark sewn on all of the blocks. Nancy is starting with blues...
Martha with yellows...There are some really pretty fabrics, which will make gorgeous quilts.
Nancy is making the bag, so she only needs one block for it. She is ready to start assembling the bag now.
Shirley can't join the group this time, but tried making a few blocks too. Look at those reds, blacks and whites! They really pop!
Debi's reproduction fabrics are looking good, with the red in the middle for heart of the home.
Debi also showed us her Circle and Spin to the Moon, back from the quilter. Very pretty!
Circle and Spin to the Moon |
Pat came and made up class 2 of the Beginning Quilting More Peas in a Pod. It's looking great! Most of that class will be coming tonight to layer, pin and tie their quilts.
Michael took his finished Bluebird quilt to CUAQ Therapy last week for show and tell. Wowser! Can't wait to see it quilted and finished!
The Wednesday Fun Club also decided to do the Log Cabin the Quilt in a Day way, so it will be fun to see both groups work through their fabric rounds towards a finished quilt.
Linda loves green! Me too!
Marta chose more traditional reproduction fabrics with dark you know what that means?
Crystal is part of the beginners group and came to layer, pin and tie her quilt Monday night. It's a big class so hard for them to do it all at the same time.
Myneeka came as well and finished her blocks. Now to get them sewn together!
My daughter, Wendy, started a More Peas in a Pod quilt recently too and came to work on her blocks with the others. She has her blocks completed as well, though I didn't take a picture of them.
Here is a picture of a couple of her blocks.
It's been fun this month helping people start new projects and finish their first project. Pictures from tonight's class soon.