Friday, March 10, 2017

Spring break, a new machine and a new quilt

I was off for a few days this week for spring break. It was great...I got caught up on a few things at home and finished this Wonky Rail Fence quilt from the book Cultural Fusions Quilts. Love how these blocks are cut with motion and are very wonky when finished. I had a hard time deciding on a layout, so incorporated two from the book in my finished quilt. I'll be teaching this technique at Cut Up and Quilt in April.

I used batiks for this one, but think it would be gorgeous in Moda Grunge. I might have to make another one!
I also got a "new to me" Bernina sewing machine over the weekend, so used it to finish the quilt. Love how it sews and it fits into my reconstructed cabinet. My singer had issues a few months ago and I have been using a machine I was given several years ago and take back and forth to classes to use for demos.  I've been meaning to take the Singer in to see what's wrong with it, but haven't gotten that far yet. I'm not sure it will be worth fixing if it's the computer that has the problem. Anyway, it's fun to have a new machine to sew on!

Image may contain: indoor


Shelina said...

Your rail fence turned out beautifully. I used a similar layout on mine, but I still need to quilt it.

Karen said...

Love how this looks. At first I wasn't seeing the design in the setting, but suddenly it popped out at me, so amazing what you see each time you look at a quilt.

Rachel said...

Very cool quilt pattern!! Lots of movement and very interesting!! Thanks Jean!