Class went well yesterday, I think, and I will post pictures next week of some of the blocks/quilts. Most of them got 1 - 2 blocks finished, which was good considering most of them hadn't done paper piecing before. We meet again next Saturday so that gives them a chance to work on more blocks or not, depending on how much time they have.
I finished quilting my great-niece's quilt this might remember seeing it when I was working on it. I want to make a label for it. I think I have seen some online. If you have any suggestions of places to look, let me know. I'm not very good at making labels for quilts...I know I should, but don't usually. I do try to sign and date each one, and attach labels occasionally, when it is for family or special occasions.
Love that salmon color....and the quilt itself...and the quilting...
The quilt is awesome and the quilting design is perfect. A definate winner in my book!
Happy Sunday to ya. :D
The quilt and the quilting are beautiful. Your niece is a lucky girl. I make my labels from a photo of the actual quilt. I add the text onto it in Photoshop, print it onto fabric and then just sew it on - at least that way I don't get the labels onto the wrong quilt!
I don't label every quilt but have done machine embroidered ones on 2 quilts and computer printed on printer fabric for quite a few. I also just sign the back of the quilt with a permanent black marker if it will show up. I know some people use fusible bond to attach them.
I love the quilt!
The quilt is beautiful. For labels I use Microsoft Word and print it on printer fabric. I always test-print on paper first, just in case of spelling errors or it's not centered. Then I use some Do-sew and cut it to the same size as the label and sew it on to the front, slice the Do-sew and turn it right side out. This makes it easier for me to sew the label on to the back of a quilt. Before I used to print what I wanted the label to say on paper and then use a light box and pigma pens to trace over the letters and then sew it on. I find printing on to fabric saves me a whole lot of time.
Oh the quilt is beautiful! I don't like making labels for quilts but I don't mind writing on the back with a pigma pen. Strange, I know.
Jean the quilting on this quilt is spectacular. You did a beautiful job and I am sure your niece will love it.
Your neice will love this quilt. Beautiful. I am not very good at putting lables on my quilts, I just don't think about I guess.
I also use printer-friendly fabric (one brand is Printed Treasures) and design a label in Word. I try to add a simple clip-art picture that relates to the pattern, plus details like my name and date. I make batches of labels, usually with my mom, so that we use a whole sheet of printer fabric since the sheets can only go through the printer once. You don't want to make a 3x5 label and waste the rest of the 8.5x11 paper.
It' sooo Nice to see something different! Love it!
You did it again, a lovely quilt!
She will be very happy with it! I'm sure.
Thanks for visiting my blog.
How did you design the tessellation quilt? and how do you did it?
Your tesselllation is fabulous.Great job and well done!
Lovely quilt....front and back!
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