We had a great family sewing day on Saturday. We even had some non sewers drop in to catch up and give advice!
Deb worked on her quilt....she started it a
long time ago. She's not a sewer, but wanted to try it. She worked really hard for this.....TA- DA!
Her daughter, Ashley, learned how to make a pillow case for her son. She started a Tshirt quilt on our last sewing day and worked on it for awhile Saturday too.
Phylicia made these cute soft cubes for little hands. Some of them had ribbon handles.
Sharon satin stitched this fact on her boating bag.
She also finished a couple of small bags with vinyl fronts to keep things dry on the boat.
I worked on another Reversible Box Tote. I've been eyeing this fabric for awhile...love it!
I also sewed the backing fabric together for the new quilt. It's an orange, pink, yellow and purple batik with swirls. I might use the same fabric for the binding, but first things first. Quilting it.
We gathered for a family celebration in the evening...my parents' 65th anniversary. We had a houseful. I didn't get a pic of the happy couple together, but here is dad with some grandchildren...
Mom with some grandchildren...
and Dad again with 2 granddaughters and a great grandson.
We had a great dinner and a great time.
After chasing each other around in circles for awhile, the great grandsons had a little chat on the phone. We were surprised they even knew what to do with it, as they were toy dial phones!
I spent some time Sunday prepping for a kids pillow class I'm doing for a 4-H group next weekend. I also partially loaded the new quilt on to the frame. I have classes the next two nights, so I'm not sure when I will get back to it, but it's a start in the right direction. It still needs a name.
New quilt....Abacus? |